Lutz Leichsenring
VibeLab/Creative Footprints/Berlin Club Commission/United We Stream

Lutz Leichsenring is a consultant, keynote speaker and one of the world’s leading authorities on protecting creative communities. Lutz started his professional career immediately after high school, when he built one of the largest platforms for music event listings in Germany. He went on to run a music club and restaurant until 2010, and today is one of the chief shareholders of a Berlin-based talent recruiting event company "young targets" and Amsterdam based night time advocacy consultancy "VibeLab".
Since 2009, Lutz has been the spokesman and executive board member for the Berlin Clubcommission and fought tirelessly for the rights of Berlin’s vast underground club scene by organizing protests, conferences, workshops and by speaking at round tables and parliamentary committees.
His role has led Lutz into the city's Berlin Musicboard and Chamber of Commerce, where he frequently votes on development issues that protect creative space affected by gentrification and overregulation. In 2017, alongside civic luminary former Night Mayor of Amsterdam Mirik Milan, Lutz launched the Creative Footprint, a project to measure, compare, and advocate for creative spaces in urban areas worldwide, like Berlin, New York and Tokyo.
During the Corona crisis, Lutz initiated United We Stream, a global music streaming platform to create awareness about club culture affected by Covid-19 and to support nighttime governance to set up a Global Nighttime Recovery Plan.